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Cruising Speed by Donna McDonald

Cruising Speed - Novella
Series: Based on 'The Art of Love' series
Author: Donna McDonald
Published: February 25, 2014
Genre: Romance
I enjoyed the story, but it was just way too short. I knew going in that it was a novella, but because I ride a Harley and because Donna McDonald is one of my favorite authors and because the Art of Love series is a favorite of mine (lol), I thought I would give it a try. But, I am not a fan of stories that just scratch the surface so it left me feeling as if something was missing. It is a good story and is well written ............ the only thing missing was about 200 pages :)

Texas Rebel by Jean Brashear

Texas Rebel
Series: The Gallaghers of Sweetgrass Spring #4 (Part of the Texas Heroes Series of books)
Author: Jean Brashear
Published: February 21, 2014
Genre: Romance
I am a huge fan of Jean Brashear's Texas Heroes series, and out of all the books this is the one I have been looking forward to the most, and I loved it.
It was great to finally get to meet Jackson. He was mentioned in other books as the mysterious brother/best friend/lover, but we never got to meet him and find out why he left Sweetgrass, or why he disappeared without a trace. It was great to finally hear his story.
As far as I know there are 10 books in this series so far, and I hope we get to read many more stories about Jean Brashear's Texas Heroes.

Rocky Mountain Heat by Vivian Arend

Rocky Mountain Heat
Series: Six Pack Ranch #1
Author: Vivian Arend
Published: October 2, 2012
Genre: Romance
I enjoyed this book, but not as much as I though I would, or as much as I hoped I would - which was a bit of a let down lol.
I was browsing and came across one of the books in the series and told my husband that I really, really wanted it, and as my book budget was once again shot, I was hoping he would take the hint.
He in the meantime (unknown to me) wanted to go away for a fishing weekend with the boys, and very kindly offered to buy it for me - not just the one, but the entire series. Ha - he knows me too well - buy me off with books, I can live with that. But darn, I wish I had enjoyed the first one more than I did. The reviews are reasonably good, so I have high hopes for the rest of the series :)

Ravaged by Jason Brant

Series: The Hunger #3
Author: Jason Brant
Published: March 3, 2014
Genre: Post Apocalypse
It has been 173 days since I read Consumed (yes I counted the days) and was surprised, as it felt like just the other day, and yet, on the other hand it felt like forever as I waited anxiously to find out what happened to our motley crew. Ravaged, I am happy to say, was worth every second of the wait.
I wish I could tell you about everything that happened in this book as there was a lot of really, really good stuff happening all the time - I obviously can't - but what I can tell you, is that you will not be disappointed. It was brilliant, it was mind-blowing, and it was also downright scary 99.9% of the time and I loved every nail biting minute of it.
There has been a noticeable change in each of the main characters, specifically Lance, Cass, Doc and Eifort. Some of the changes are subtle, but they are there and they add to the believability of the story while also adding depth to the characters which is so important when reading a series. Their story has changed them, and that, is life.
I did wonder how Jason Brant would maintain the momentum from Consumed (which I loved), but he has done a great job. It is well written, with great style and the characters are all well developed and compliment a storyline that is truly unique.
This was a heck of a read. I loved it.
Available on Amazon - Texas Rebel

Texas Rebel by Jean Brashear
- Book 4 in The Gallaghers of Sweetgrass Springs is now available. I love this easy reading series and have been looking forward to this one the most.
Painless by Devon Hartford

Series: The Story of Samantha Smith #3
Author: Devon Hartford
Published: February 1, 2014
Genre: NA Romance
I found this difficult to read and skimmed quite a bit, especially the parts between Sam and her very immature friends.
The humor, which plays a huge part in the book, got on my nerves as it felt forced, which is a pity, as the story is good with some interesting characters, but it (the funny bits) spoiled it for me.
As with the previous books in the series, I enjoyed reading about Christos and his family - this book especially had quite a bit about his art and the art of his father and grandfather and that alone made it worth while. I love art.

The Darkest Hour by Maya Banks

The Darkest Hour
Series: KGI Series
Author: Maya Banks
Published: September 7, 2010
Genre: Romantic Suspense
I really enjoyed this book. I have overloaded on YA and NA recently and don't think I can face another one for quite a while, so finding this book was exactly what I needed and was a welcome change of pace.
This is the first book I have read by Maya Banks, and I enjoyed it. I liked the idea of the suspense and action added to the romance, but found there wasn't much suspense and only a little action, but it was okay. I think I will try and find other books in the Romantic Suspense genre, it is time for a change :)

10 (or less) things about me
I am a bit slow on this, but thought I would add mine too. I lead a pretty boring life so I will add photos to make it more interesting ........ lol
1. I met my husband when we were still in high school - we were 16. We have been married for 35 years and have one daughter.
2. I am South African and live in the Western Cape and this is my little house.
Heaven and Hell by Kristen Ashley

Heaven and Hell
Author: Kristen Ashley
Published: December 28, 2011
Genre: Contemporary Romance
This is a difficult one. I enjoyed the story, but had a real problem with both Kia and Sam at times. I hated the way Sam treated Kia and often found myself itching to throw something at him - something hard and something that would not bounce off his thick arrogant skull.
Kia comes from an abusive relationship. Sam knew this and hated the fact that she suffered at the hand of her deceased husband - but he still goes ahead and manhandles her. He is very domineering and controlling and intimidated Kia on many occasions, but did not see that his actions were abusive, even when she backed away from him. When she asks for space he moves in closer and kisses her and she forgets everything else. She is incredibly weak at times and it drove me nuts.
The writing is very different to anything I have read before. The sentences are long and rambled and I often had to re-read the paragraph again and again to try and make sense of it. More often than not I gave up and moved on. Yeah .......
It is not perfect, but it all comes together at the end and I am glad I stuck with it.
Reckoning by John O'Brien

Series: A New World #9
Author: John O'Brien
Published: February 7, 2014
Genre: Post apocalypse
This was an intense read. I think I have said that about all the previous books in this series, but John O'Brien certainly picked up the pace even more so with this book.
I thoroughly enjoyed the way he moved from one POV to another - it kept the suspense levels high and it worked very well.
I think one of my favorite developments in this book was the new awareness between Jack and Robert - that was awesome stuff, and it opens the way for some really great possibilities in future books. The survivors need every advantage they can get because the Night Runners are becoming more terrifying with each book, and if this discovery can give them even a slight advantage, that will be great.
I read a review the other day which stuck with me - the reviewer said: "this book is fast, chaotic, exciting, and relentless!" that about sums it up for me too. A great read.
I have enjoyed watching this story evolve to this point and would never have envisaged the story taking the turns that it has, it has been great and I look forward to the next in the series.
The Countess Conspiracy

The Countess Conspiracy
Series: The Brothers Sinister #3
Author: Courtney Milan
Published: December 17, 2013
Genre: Historical / Regency Romance
There is so much more to this book than what is hinted at in the synopsis. It is a great book about an intelligent woman who had the misfortune to be born in an era when a lady did not aspire to be more than a wife, mother and homemaker. A little charity or social work on the side was acceptable, as long as that is all it was, and it did not interfere with what was expected of her.
This is not who Violet, the Countess was, she was a scientist to the core. She lived and breathed her work and it was interesting to read about how she and Sebastian had to plot and plan to have her work seen by scholars without anyone knowing that she was the one responsible for the sometimes ‘shocking’ revelations. The fear of discovery was always there, in the background, and their need for secrecy took over their lives. Added to this was the fact that they were not married, and as this was the 1860′s they could not meet openly to work, which added to the strain and was the reason for their rather unusual working and living relationship.
I loved this book, and loved reading about Violet and the problems she faced as an intelligent woman in an era that frowned on free thinking women. It makes me wonder how many brilliant discoveries were made over the years by women, but attributed to the men in their lives.
I have enjoyed this series and look forward to Book 4 - The Mistress Rebellion

The Governess Affair

The Governess Affair
Series: The Brothers Sinister #0.5
Author: Courtney Milan
Published: April 25, 2012
Genre: Historical/Regency Romance
I downloaded this book (prequel novella) free from Amazon after reading a review for The Duchess War on BookLikes – which is Book 1 in the The Brothers Sinister series.
I always enjoy reading about a strong woman who is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, or a woman who will go to great lengths to right a wrong done either to herself, or to others. Serena was a strong woman in many aspects, and I admired her, but in one crucial moment, when confronted by the Duke, she reacted in a way which was totally out of character for her. This may be because of the era in which she lived, I am not sure, but I found her reaction unsettling. It never ceases to amaze me though, how unfair the system was and what women, and the working class, had to put up with.
Women of that era did not have the resources we have today so it is difficult to understand the lengths Serena had to go to to make sure that she was able to take care of herself and her child, especially as there was no one else she would be able to rely on for help if anything should go wrong. Scary times.
I enjoyed the story. I liked the characters enough to move on to The Duchess War – which I am reading at the moment. It is really, really great, so much so in fact, that I have downloaded the rest of the series.