Reckoning by John O'Brien

Series: A New World #9
Author: John O'Brien
Published: February 7, 2014
Genre: Post apocalypse
This was an intense read. I think I have said that about all the previous books in this series, but John O'Brien certainly picked up the pace even more so with this book.
I thoroughly enjoyed the way he moved from one POV to another - it kept the suspense levels high and it worked very well.
I think one of my favorite developments in this book was the new awareness between Jack and Robert - that was awesome stuff, and it opens the way for some really great possibilities in future books. The survivors need every advantage they can get because the Night Runners are becoming more terrifying with each book, and if this discovery can give them even a slight advantage, that will be great.
I read a review the other day which stuck with me - the reviewer said: "this book is fast, chaotic, exciting, and relentless!" that about sums it up for me too. A great read.
I have enjoyed watching this story evolve to this point and would never have envisaged the story taking the turns that it has, it has been great and I look forward to the next in the series.