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Love Hacked by Penny Reid

Love Hacked - Penny Reid


Love Hacked

Series:  Knitting in The City

Author:  Penny Reid

Published:  March 3, 2014

Genre: Romance


This was not one of my favorite Penny Reid books. The story was fine and Sandra is a great character, but Alex .... I don't know, there was just something about him that got on my nerves.  He is much younger than Sandra, has a shady past and a lot of secrets. Sandra on the other hand is unable to stay away from him, and even though she can't understand why he can't/will not share his past with her, she is prepared to take a chance on him.  


It was great reading about the other ladies in the knitting group again, they are all so supportive of each other and a lot of fun, which made the book a fun and easy read despite the problems I had with Alex as a character  :)