Currently Reading - Harbour Ways by Valerie Poore

This is such a good read. Valerie Poore is an author living on a barge in Rotterdam and tells the story about how she bought her historical barge and how she painstakingly restored it and converted it into a home.
She is braver than I am - my studio has a lot of power tools, but some of the tools she has mastered scare the heck out of me. It is a great read so far
I have also read another two book by this author - I love her style :)
The first one is African Ways
This book is about Valerie Poore's life in South Africa and how she adapted and fell in love with the country and its people. She is British, and one line in her book still makes me smile - she said ‘I don’t mind being poor, but I do mind being cold as well as poor!’ …. so they moved to South Africa. A good read :)
The second was How to Breed Sheep, Geese and English Eccentrics
This book was also a fun read - it is about a young woman and her mother who is 'a tad eccentric' lol. They live on a farm and the daughter decides to actually try and farm - with hilarious consequences. I loved this book, but just realized that I have never written a review for it. I will rectify that - it deserves a review of its own :)